We’re a hygiene hub for unsheltered residents of Portland’s Central Eastside.
Because everyone deserves to feel clean.
H4A creates a cleaner, healthier, safer & kinder Portland for all.
H4A’s team of sheltered and unsheltered staff has designed a place of community safety that offers an effective, healing response to the public health and sanitation crises brought by growing housing, wealth, and infrastructure gaps. H4A works to ensure our houseless neighbors have an equal voice in creating more equitable access to the basic public resources required for human dignity, including water, sewer, and waste management services.
Services we offer:
20 Minute Hot Showers
Hygiene Supplies
Medical Supplies and First-Aid
Clothing and Bedding Exchange
Device Charging
Waste Management
Space for Loving Community
Hours of Operation:
At 824 SE MLK Jr Blvd (Corner of SE MLK and Belmont)
Sunday: 3-9pm
Tuesday 3-7pm
Thursday 3-9pm
Friday 3-7pm
*last shower is 45 minutes before close
*Check Google listing for holiday and other closure updates
Peer to Peer Mutual Aid
We hire people living unsheltered on the streets so they can provide their peers with hot showers and clean bathrooms, first aid supplies, and personal care products. We also provide a legal place to dump trash and operate a clothing and bedding exchange.
Safety & Sanitation
We keep people clean and healthy. Most importantly, we work together to promote dignity, community, and sanctuary. Join us. Be a part of this hopeful, human experiment.
Unsheltered People are Assets
Living on the street demands resourcefulness, determination, and wits. Living on the street also makes you an expert on what unsheltered people need. We used this insight from unsheltered people to design the hub and its services – and hire and pay unsheltered people to help run it.
Clean, Healthy, Safe
We provided 3,000 showers in our first year! Our toilets are sanitized, supplies like razors and menstrual supplies are free, and our patrons can swap dirty clothes and bedding for clean. Staff are trained to create an atmosphere of kindness, respect, and sanctuary.
A New Vision for Portland
Our unsheltered neighbors are our most valuable assets. We enlisted them to help us design and build our hub. By providing hygiene facilities and health services needed for whole community well-being, we address the civic and public health crises on Portland’s streets.
“Community connection, appreciation, purpose, and pride is medicine for the heart and mind.”
— Sandra Comstock, Executive Director

Join the Change, be the Change!
Your donations allow us to expand, train, and purchase more life saving supplies.
Recent News
Visit Us
On the corner of SE Martin Luther King Boulevard and SE Belmont Street under the Morrison Bridge.
Phone: (971) 236-2524
Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday: 3pm - 9pm
Friday: 3pm - 7pm
* Last shower 45 min before close.
Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday