How can I become a volunteer?


You may sign up to volunteer as a laundry-helper, donations-helper, social-media helper, fundraising/corporate donations/event planner here.

We will email you within 2 weeks to set up an online interview which will offer an opportunity to get to know one another and answer any questions you may have.

From there we will send you our H4A manual and availability form and set up a training.

Over the first few months we will offer additional trainings to get you up to speed on our values and protocols that ensure a culture of joyful, trauma-informed, welcoming harm reduction for all community members, especially who identify with the LGBTQ and/or BIPOC communitiues.


How can I deliver donations?


New items: You may look at our wish list at Amazon
to determine what we need and either purchase items there or purchase elsewhere online and have it sent to our post office box at


1327 SE Tacoma Street # 118
Portland, Or 97202

Used items: please look at our Amazon list first to determine what we need.

On Monday-Friday, 10AM-12PM, donations can be dropped off at:

St. Mark’s Lutheran Church

5415 SE Powell Blvd

Portland, OR 97206.

Please ensure all items are washed and folded as our team is tiny and needs your help in keeping things simple.


How can I become a part of paid staff?


Come and use the hub, speak with our staff and volunteers and ask about upcoming opportunities for training and more.

You can also apply here.