The Build is Starting
September 2020
Hygiene4All had to put a temporary hold on our project due to the "Stay Home - Stay Safe" order that was passed by our governor. In the meantime, we continued to work with other grassroots organizations in Portland to create safe camping areas for our unhoused friends and neighbors.
Recent on the ground surveys in the area performed by Groundscore show that access to showers, clean bathrooms, and trash are a high priority with so many services in the area shut down due to COVID. We are working hard to bet our services up and running as soon as we can to meet these urgent needs!
Here are some ways that you can stay involved despite social distancing:
Native plants
Milk crates (80-100)
Hammocks (2)
Sleeping cots (x1 ADA)
Wooden Stumps to sit on
Other outdoor seating
Curtain system for resting pods
Colorful paint
String lights
Food and water for staff and volunteers
biodegradable soaps and shampoos